include: - local: tests/unit.gitlab-ci.yml - local: tests/integration.gitlab-ci.yml stages: - build - test - test-integration .opentofu-versions: parallel: matrix: - OPENTOFU_VERSION: '1.6.0' - OPENTOFU_VERSION: '1.6.0-rc1' variables: # OpenTofu variables STABLE_OPENTOFU_VERSION: '1.6.0' # OpenTofu image build variables: DOCKER_DIND_IMAGE: "docker:24.0.7-dind" PLATFORMS: linux/amd64,linux/arm64 BASE_IMAGE: "alpine:3.18.4" GITLAB_OPENTOFU_IMAGE_NAME: "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/internal/gitlab-opentofu-$OPENTOFU_VERSION:$CI_COMMIT_SHA" gitlab-opentofu-image: extends: .opentofu-versions stage: build services: - "$DOCKER_DIND_IMAGE" image: "$DOCKER_DIND_IMAGE" before_script: # See note on the `build terraform` job about this image - docker run --rm --privileged tonistiigi/binfmt # Registry auth - docker login -u "$CI_REGISTRY_USER" -p "$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD" "$CI_REGISTRY" script: - docker buildx create --use # NOTE: we disable provenance for now # because it causes troubles with the registry and older clients. # See # - # - - docker buildx build --platform "$PLATFORMS" --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMAGE --build-arg OPENTOFU_VERSION=$OPENTOFU_VERSION --file Dockerfile --tag "$GITLAB_OPENTOFU_IMAGE_NAME" --provenance=false --push . # If the pipeline is for a new tag with a semantic version, and all previous jobs succeed, # create the release. # create-release: # stage: release # image: # rules: # - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /\d+/ # script: echo "Creating release $CI_COMMIT_TAG" # release: # tag_name: $CI_COMMIT_TAG # description: "Release $CI_COMMIT_TAG of components repository $CI_PROJECT_PATH"