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Access token Rake tasks

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab Self-Managed

Version history

Analyze token expiration dates

In GitLab 16.0, a background migration gave all non-expiring personal, project, and group access tokens an expiration date set at one year after those tokens were created.

To identify which tokens might have been affected by this migration, you can run a Rake task that analyses all access tokens and displays the top ten most common expiration dates:

Linux package (Omnibus)

   gitlab-rake gitlab:tokens:analyze

Helm chart (Kubernetes)

   # Find the toolbox pod
   kubectl --namespace <namespace> get pods -lapp=toolbox
   kubectl exec -it <toolbox-pod-name> -- sh -c 'cd /srv/gitlab && bin/rake gitlab:tokens:analyze'


   sudo docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
   gitlab-rake gitlab:tokens:analyze

Self-compiled (source)

   sudo RAILS_ENV=production -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:tokens:analyze

This task analyzes all the access tokens and groups them by expiration date. The left column shows the expiration date, and the right column shows how many tokens have that expiration date. Example output:

======= Personal/Project/Group Access Token Expiration Migration =======
Started at: 2023-06-15 10:20:35 +0000
Finished  : 2023-06-15 10:23:01 +0000
===== Top 10 Personal/Project/Group Access Token Expiration Dates =====
| Expiration Date | Count |
| 2024-06-15      | 1565353 |
| 2017-12-31      | 2508  |
| 2018-01-01      | 1008  |
| 2016-12-31      | 833   |
| 2017-08-31      | 705   |
| 2017-06-30      | 596   |
| 2018-12-31      | 548   |
| 2017-05-31      | 523   |
| 2017-09-30      | 520   |
| 2017-07-31      | 494   |

In this example, you can see that over 1.5 million access tokens have an expiration date of 2024-06-15, one year after the migration was run on 2023-06-15. This suggests that most of these tokens were assigned by the migration. However, there is no way to know for sure whether other tokens were created manually with the same date.

Update expiration dates in bulk


You must:

  • Be an administrator.
  • Have an interactive terminal.

Run the following Rake task to extend or remove expiration dates from tokens in bulk:

  1. Run the tool:

    Linux package (Omnibus)

   gitlab-rake gitlab:tokens:edit

Helm chart (Kubernetes)

   # Find the toolbox pod
   kubectl --namespace <namespace> get pods -lapp=toolbox
   kubectl exec -it <toolbox-pod-name> -- sh -c 'cd /srv/gitlab && bin/rake gitlab:tokens:edit'


   sudo docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
   gitlab-rake gitlab:tokens:edit

Self-compiled (source)

   sudo RAILS_ENV=production -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:tokens:edit

After the tool starts, it shows the output from the analyze step plus an additional prompt about modifying the expiration dates:

======= Personal/Project/Group Access Token Expiration Migration =======
Started at: 2023-06-15 10:20:35 +0000
Finished  : 2023-06-15 10:23:01 +0000
===== Top 10 Personal/Project/Group Access Token Expiration Dates =====
| Expiration Date | Count |
| 2024-05-14      | 1565353 |
| 2017-12-31      | 2508  |
| 2018-01-01      | 1008  |
| 2016-12-31      | 833   |
| 2017-08-31      | 705   |
| 2017-06-30      | 596   |
| 2018-12-31      | 548   |
| 2017-05-31      | 523   |
| 2017-09-30      | 520   |
| 2017-07-31      | 494   |
What do you want to do? (Press ↑/↓ arrow or 1-3 number to move and Enter to select)
‣ 1. Extend expiration date
  2. Remove expiration date
  3. Quit

Extend expiration dates

To extend expiration dates on all tokens matching a given expiration date:

  1. Select option 1, Extend expiration date:

    What do you want to do?
    ‣ 1. Extend expiration date
      2. Remove expiration date
      3. Quit
  2. The tool asks you to select one of the expiration dates listed. For example:

    Select an expiration date (Press ↑/↓/←/→ arrow to move and Enter to select)
    ‣ 2024-05-14

    Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select a date. To abort, scroll all the way down and select --> Abort. Press Enter to confirm your selection:

    Select an expiration date
    ‣ --> Abort

    If you select a date, the tool prompts you for a new expiration date:

    What would you like the new expiration date to be? (2025-05-14) 2024-05-14

    The default is one year from the selected date. Press Enter to use the default, or manually enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  3. After you have entered a valid date, the tool asks one more time for confirmation:

    Old expiration date: 2024-05-14
    New expiration date: 2025-05-14
    WARNING: This will now update 1565353 token(s). Are you sure? (y/N)

    If you enter y, the tool extends the expiration date for all the tokens with the selected expiration date.

    If you enter N, the tool aborts the update task and return to the original analyze output.

Remove expiration dates

To remove expiration dates on all tokens matching a given expiration date:

  1. Select option 2, Remove expiration date:

    What do you want to do?
      1. Extend expiration date
    ‣ 2. Remove expiration date
      3. Quit
  2. The tool asks you to select the expiration date from the table. For example:

    Select an expiration date (Press ↑/↓/←/→ arrow to move and Enter to select)
    ‣ 2024-05-14

    Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select a date. To abort, scroll all the way down and select --> Abort. Press Enter to confirm your selection:

    Select an expiration date
    ‣ --> Abort
  3. After selecting a date, the tool prompts you to confirm the selection:

    WARNING: This will remove the expiration for tokens that expire on 2024-05-14.
    This will affect 1565353 tokens. Are you sure? (y/N)

    If you enter y, the tool removes the expiration date for all the tokens with the selected expiration date.

    If you enter N, the tool aborts the update task and returns to the first menu.