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Install and set up the GitLab plugin for Neovim


  • For both and GitLab Self-Managed, you have GitLab version 16.1 or later. While many extension features might work with earlier versions, they are unsupported.
    • The GitLab Duo Code Suggestions feature requires GitLab version 16.8 or later.
  • You have Neovim version 0.9 or later.

To install the extension, follow the installation steps for your chosen plugin manager:

No plugin manager

Run this command to include this project with packadd on startup:

git clone ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/gitlab/start/gitlab.vim


Add this plugin to your lazy.nvim configuration:

  -- Activate when a file is created/opened
  event = { 'BufReadPre', 'BufNewFile' },
  -- Activate when a supported filetype is open
  ft = { 'go', 'javascript', 'python', 'ruby' },
  cond = function()
    -- Only activate if token is present in environment variable.
    -- Remove this line to use the interactive workflow.
    return vim.env.GITLAB_TOKEN ~= nil and vim.env.GITLAB_TOKEN ~= ''
  opts = {
    statusline = {
      -- Hook into the built-in statusline to indicate the status
      -- of the GitLab Duo Code Suggestions integration
      enabled = true,


Declare the plugin in your packer.nvim configuration:

use {

Authenticate with GitLab

To connect this extension to your GitLab account, configure your environment variables:

Environment variable Default Description
GITLAB_TOKEN not applicable The default GitLab personal access token to use for authenticated requests. If provided, skips interactive authentication.
GITLAB_VIM_URL Override the GitLab instance to connect with. Defaults to

A full list of environment variables is available in the extension's help text at doc/gitlab.txt.

Configure the extension

To configure this extension:

  1. Configure your desired file types. For example, because this plugin supports Ruby, it adds a FileType ruby auto-command. To configure this behavior for more file types, add more file types to the code_suggestions.auto_filetypes setup option:

      statusline = {
        enabled = false
      code_suggestions = {
        # For the full list of default languages, see the 'auto_filetypes' array in
        auto_filetypes = { 'ruby', 'javascript' }, -- Default is { 'ruby' }
  2. Configure Omni Completion to set up the key mapping to trigger Code Suggestions.

  3. Optional. Configure <Plug> key mappings.

  4. Optional. Set up helptags using :helptags ALL for access to :help gitlab.txt.

Configure Omni Completion

To enable Omni Completion with Code Suggestions:

  1. Create a personal access token with the api scope.

  2. Install the Code Suggestions language server.

  3. Optional. Consider configuring Omni Completion's dialog even for a single suggestion:

    vim.o.completeopt = 'menu,menuone'

When working in a supported file type, open the Omni Completion menu by pressing Ctrl+x then Ctrl+o.

Uninstall the extension

To uninstall the extension, remove this plugin and any language server binaries with these commands:

rm -r ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/gitlab/start/gitlab.vim
rm ~/.local/share/nvim/gitlab-code-suggestions-language-server-*